Join The Club

Join the Volvo Club of America!

There are some great reasons to join VCOA—check out the details on our Member Benefits page. We offer either a one-year membership or a three-year option at a discounted price and we offer individual and family membership options.

U.S. Membership

VCOA Membership for residents of the U.S. mailing address, including U.S. territories and the Armed Forces. Membership options start at $60/year.

U.S. Membership

Canadian Membership

VCOA membership for those with a Canadian mailing address. Membership options start at $85/year.

Canadian Membership

International Membership

If you live outside the U.S. or Canada and want to join VCOA, please contact the club office. The fee for a one-year international membership is $115. Three year memberships are not available to international members.

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